Handling a real estate business online isn’t all about clicks and browse. There’s more to the business and it’s not even appropriate for any real estate agents to skip a day without checking the status or conditions of his/her real estate website. The fact is, search engines never stop crawling through websites and if you update or take care of your real estate business and website regularly, there’s a good chance your site get acknowledged for the hard work done.
However, there are more rules that a real estate agent (or any online marketer) should follow or else, there’s a great chance of getting your real estate website de-indexed. Although most of the SEO experts teach you and even share with you the coolest and easiest way of getting your website ranked, there are more unspoken warnings about what someone like you shouldn’t do when dealing with this type of business. Also, search engines don’t like websites that are flawlessly designed only to increase page rankings.
First and foremost, search engines don’t like stolen contents from another website. This is a grave offense especially if you’re still starting with your real estate business. Someone might report you and it could lead to bigger copyright problems later on. Remember how your mother reacts when you speak of profanity inside the house? Search engines don’t like it either if you put in unfriendly or even slang words on your website so carefully check all words in your website.
Also, you think that having more keywords on your website is a good thing? It certainly is not. Be sure that you keep all your keywords under control and that means, it should only comprise 5% of the entire content you have in your website. If not, you’re on your way to keyword spamming.
There are more important things that most online entrepreneurs tend to overlook. In times like these, be sure you have the latest information from reliable sources about SEO.